Coming up on the May long weekend, the garden is at that luscious, fresh, bursting, 50 shades of green stage. We didn’t get out to do much work in April – the weather was not agreeable. But May has brought some favourable dry weather, and we’ve been able to get a start.
The rabbits did not get away with damaging too many shrubs this year. I double sprayed with Scoot last fall, and covered up anything I was really concerned about. Aside from the shrubs I left them, which they did their typical damage to, the others look pretty good.
There’s lots going on in the yard this year, but I’ll just start with the lilacs. They are doing really well, some blooming better than ever before. Like this one.
One from my dad is finally giving a grand show.
This was just planted last year, so it’s off to a good start.
This white lilac has been here for 20+ years, and some years it doesn’t do much. The blooms are really beautiful.
I really love lilac season, always bringing a bunch in the house for the fragrance. It is such a beautiful flower, and the season is so fast, it must be thoroughly enjoyed.