Although way too late in the season, I finally got around to repotting, remixing and replanting some succulent planters. Some of the old mixes were looking pretty bare and ugly.

I found some good containers at Thrift stores, but without drain holes. So we drilled small holes in them for drainage and found some cactus soil for planting.

I cut off bits from here and there, dug out small plants, and had a few new purchases. I tucked in small starter plants into the spaces.

This is a very odd shaped container that I thought would be very cool. The first attempt was not very cool. So this time I just tucked in a lot of small baby succulents, and we’ll see how that works.

The planters actually turned out looking really good. But they only have about a month outside before I’ll have to move them indoors for the winter. Next summer I must do the job earlier so they can really flourish in the sunshine.