On May 4th, we had very high winds. Gusts up to 100 km.
I don’t think we’ve ever had that kind of wind here in 20 years.
I watched one of our pine trees bend further than I’d seen before.
Minutes later, I heard creaking, and I went to the window in time to see it come down.
Also, a part of the pear tree came down.
The pine tree was about 50′ tall, and of course came down right in the middle of my magnolia tree.
I could see the blooms starting, underneath the green branches of the pine tree.
Sad. The tree was full of buds, and I was so looking forward to all the blooms.
Cleanup with the chainsaw and a few helpers…
..in a couple hours, it’s all gone.
The magnolia lost it’s big centre branch, but thank goodness, most of it was spared.
Not much else was damaged. The side branches of the pine supported the heavy trunk, so it didn’t crush anything.
Here you can see the pine tree standing tall.
The flower bed around it feels very different. The whole area has lost it’s anchor point. At first, I was almost disoriented, but now I’m getting used to it. The existing shrubs might get more sunlight now, and provide a better backdrop to the bed.