We had a milder winter for the 2019-2020 season, but it brought a few unexpected surprises. A kiwi vine that had been doing really well up to last summer, was dead. I didn’t see rabbit damage, so I have no idea why it was done.
I have had terrible viburnum beetles on the high bush cranberry bushes, for several years. I figured with the mild winter, the bugs would be really bad. But the bushes have come back with a flourish, only a few bugs, which I have controlled with insecticide. There have even been blooms.
The Korean Spice Viburnum was full of glorious blooms! And the scent – oh my!
And this iris! I bought it last year, and planted it, and promptly forgot about it. Until it bloomed! And then I remembered, and it is so much nicer in real life than the picture in the catalogue.
I have had this honeysuckle vine on this trellis for about 20 years. It has never really bloomed due to various issues, but here it is this year!
So pretty, and wonderful as it drapes on the trellis.
Every gardening season has its share of disappointments, so it’s really nice to get some unexpected lovely surprises too!