I didn’t get too creative with the pots this year.
I bought some calibrochoa in some fun colours, torenia which I love, fuchsia impatiens, some ivy spillers, and a variety of coleus and begonias.
This combination looks good every year, so I did it again.
Some fun colours, maybe too many. We’ll see.
Such a beautiful colour of begonia.
Put the plumbago in pots this year. I’ve had them in a sunny spot in a wheelbarrow other summers, so now they have more shade, which may not be good. I have overwintered these plumbagos.
Window boxes hold begonias, coleus and bright impatiens, bold against the yellow brick of the house.
And the cement planter. Still experimenting with this one, only the second year.
And I always have hanging fuchsia and streptocarpus for the hummingbirds.
I rarely buy prepared mixed planters, but I do find it a bit overwhelming every spring, getting them all planted.
So I’m happy when they are done, and I can just enjoy the colourful flowers all around the deck and patio!