The fish have all died so it was actually a good time to clean out the pond. It had not been done for a long time, maybe 12 years or more. So there was a LOT of gross sludge to clean out.

Only so much could be pumped out, and then Doug scooped it out with a pail or by hand. At least 2 wheelbarrows full. Good stuff for a new garden bed though.

All the lilies were thrown on the tarp. I had divided them a few years back, but they were really overgrown and big again.

I cut off big chunks, and saved only five good pots. I had some fertilizer tabs so I pushed them into the soil too. The rest of the lilies went into the compost.

Doug washed and scrubbed the liner.

And then he proceeded to wash every stone, every single stone, scrubbing each one by hand. And placing them back on the ledge, one by one.

Then cleaning the tarp.

Placing the lilies back, and refilling the pond.

Now I just need to find some hyacinth and water lettuce, and some new fish!