Summer is flying by, as usual.
The flower boxes are looking good so far.
I’m liking the purple balanced on either side of these.
I went for the fuchsia impatiens this year, rather than the red as I’ve done most years.
These are the boxes on the side of the house, mirrored with each other.
I think the first picture are the ones that get a bit more sun.
The red spike, centre back, has been crowded out.
These are at the front of the house, mostly shade.
This begonia I bought new this spring.
This begonia I overwintered, so it took a while to fill out.
The coleus is growing differently in each of them, and I think they are poorly balanced with the ivy at one end,
and the potato vine at the other. But it’s a lovely shot of colour on the house.
And here is the brick planter box by the front step.
Only the second year for this box. Here’s last year’s plants.
Not crazy about either one. I’ll have to try something different again next year.